Senior School | Admissions | Streatham & Clapham High School

Senior School Admissions

Pupils may be admitted to the school at any age, but the principal points of entry are at 11+ and 16+ (Sixth Form). Please complete our online application form below if you wish to apply.

In the last academic year the school was significantly over-subscribed and was obliged to operate a waiting-list for girls wishing to secure a place.

Before the school can consider any candidate for entry, the application form must be completed and submitted, together with:

  • a non-refundable registration fee of £150 (£175 for overseas applicants)
  • a current photograph
  • a copy of her end-of-year 5 school report (for 11+ entrance)
  • a copy of her passport (or birth certificate if no passport is held)

For occasional vacancies in other years please contact our Head of Admissions, at

We are now welcoming registrations for 11+ entry for September 2025 and invite you to complete our application form.

The deadline for completing registrations, including Bursary and Specialist Scholarship applications, is Thursday 31 October 2024. We encourage families to submit registrations well in advance of this deadline, particularly if you are considering Bursary or Scholarship opportunities.

All of our key admissions dates can be found below.

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Entrance Exams, Interviews and Creative Writing Submissions

Streatham & Clapham High School is a selective school and each year we receive more applications than the number of places we have available.  However, the criteria on which we base our selection is not solely the entrance examination (although all its elements do play a considerable role in both the offering of places and academic scholarships). We are interested in finding and celebrating the unique potential of girls whom we believe will flourish at SCHS, which is not always visible from a single measure such as a standardised examination.  We therefore also consider a creative-writing submission and conduct our interview process via a fun group assessment that enables candidates to explore whether the school ignites their interests too.

11+ Entrance Exams

All external candidates for 11+ admission to SCHS sit the ISEB (Independent Schools’ Examination Board) Common Pre-Test.  The examination is an online and adaptive test comprising exercises in English, Mathematics, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning.

Familiarisation with the ISEB Test 

Further details are available here, including a familiarisation exercise.



We envisage that the majority of candidates at prep schools will take this test at their school between November and early January on a date of their school’s choosing.

Candidates at maintained primary schools, independent schools which have both junior and senior wings, or who cannot sit the examination at their present schools for any reason will sit this examination at SCHS – dates to be confirmed.

Group Observation Activity & Creative Writing Submission
All candidates will receive an invitation for a 2.5-hour session scheduled for either Tuesday 12 November, Wednesday 13 November or Thursday 14 November. This session will involve participating in the Group Observation Activity and Creative Writing task.

During this allocated time, each candidate will join a small group of fellow students to engage in a captivating problem-solving challenge. Our staff will be on hand to provide ample support and encouragement throughout the activity. There is no need for any preparation other than arriving with a sense of curiosity and eagerness to explore.

Towards the end of the session, a brief creative-writing task will be assigned, which must be completed and submitted onsite. This task will be related to the theme of the morning’s group activity.

Thank you for your interest and participation in this exciting opportunity. We look forward to welcoming you on one of the specified dates.


Academic Scholarships
Offers of academic scholarships are made solely at the Head’s discretion and are made on the basis of the entrance-examination results alongside the creative-writing submission and group assessment as well as all the other information we have about the candidates, including school reports and references.
Specialist Scholarships
Application deadline for specialist scholarship is Thursday 31 October. Applicants should complete this online through Admissions+.

Wednesday 20 November 11+ Sport Scholarship: Round One – Assessment
Thursday 21 November 11+ Art Scholarship: Round One – Assessment
Wednesday 4 December 11+ Drama Scholarship: Round One – Workshop
Thursday 5 December 11+ Art Scholarship: Round Two – Interview
Thursday 9 January 11+ Music Scholarship: Assessment & Interview
Wednesday 15 January 11+ Sports Scholarship: Round Two – Assessment & Interview 
Thursday 16 January 11+ Drama Scholarship: Round Two – Monologue and Interview 

More information on each scholarship’s requirements can be found here

Confirmation of the Arrangements for the Examinations
Once we receive your application, we shall confirm the details of your daughter’s examination timetable.  If your daughter’s current school is not hosting the ISEB exam nor has she arranged to take it at another school, please email the Head of Admissions at  to let us know.  We shall confirm arrangements for taking the entrance exam at SCHS in early December 2024.

You will need to register your daughter directly with the ISEB from 10 June 2024 and send the ISEB code to each secondary school that you are applying to. Please click here to read our ISEB FAQ for more information.
Entrance Examinations: Key Dates
Registration Deadline

Thursday 31 October 2024

This is the deadline for completing your registration form, including Bursary and Specialist Scholarship applications.

11+ Group Observation Activity & Creative Writing

Tuesday 12 – Thursday 14 November 2024

Once you have registered, will provide information on how to book a convenient slot on one of these three days to you in late October.

11+ ISEB onsite

Saturday 7 December 2024

13+ Entrance Examination

Monday 25 or Tuesday 26 November 2024

16+ Entrance Examination

Monday 18 November 2024

Confirmation of the arrangements for the examinations will be sent to parents of all registered candidates by letter in late October 2024.

Selection & Offers

The offer of a place is made by the Head on the evidence of:

  • The candidate’s performance in the entrance examination; group assessment and creative-writing submission
  • a copy of the candidate’s most recent school report (and a confidential reference from the Head of her present school)
  • A copy of valid visa (where applicable)
  • We select girls who we believe will flourish at our school
  • We take into consideration all information available to us before making our offers

Offers of 16+ places will be sent electronically on Thursday 12 December 2024. Offers are to be electronically accepted by 12 noon on Monday 3 February 2025

Offers of 11+ places will be sent electronically on Tuesday 4 February 2025. Offers are to be electronically accepted by 12 noon on Tuesday 4 March 2025

Offers of 13+ places will be sent electronically on Wednesday 15 January 2025. Offers are to be electronically accepted by 12 noon on Thursday 6 February 2025

11+ Offer holders and girls on the waiting list will be invited to our 11+ Carpe Diem Morning on the 27 February 2025.

Read more about our Scholarships

11+ Academic Scholarships
Offers of academic scholarships, worth up to 25% of fees, will be made on the basis of the entrance-examination results and all the other information we have about the candidates, including school reports and references.

11+ Specialist Scholarships
A number of specialist scholarships, worth up to 25% of fees, are awarded to talented girls in the areas of Art, Drama, Music and Sport. To find out more please click on one of the links below:



A small number of means-tested bursaries, worth up to 100% of fees, are available only at 11+ entry.

Parents should indicate on the application form if they wish to be considered for a bursary. We shall then email applicants log-in details in order for them to complete an online bursary application. In addition to satisfying means-testing criteria, recipients of bursary awards must also score highly in our entrance examination.

More information on Bursaries

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