After a final inspection from our Estates Bursar, Ms Kpobie, and Head of Prep, Mr Mylne, the Prep’s new low-ropes and trim-trail is ready for use. Designed by Father Nature, this new area of the playground features a ‘hoggin’ compact pathway, a traverse climbing wall, an activity trail that comprises eight different elements, along with a gazebo-style shelter for outdoor learning.
The project was conceived of and executed in close consultation with both staff and girls and significantly enhanced thanks to a generous donation from the FRIENDS of SCHS. This project is the second phase of the redevelopment of the Prep’s outdoor provision of which we are very proud. Over the summer holiday we hope to add a climbing challenge as a central feature, which will also be thanks to the FRIENDS.
The third phase of this project will be the focus of our efforts in 2020/2021, and we are planning to develop the environmental area beyond the new play equipment and work, with the girls, the Eco-Committee and staff, on ideas for STEAM learning.