Our whole school family is committed to protecting the environment through championing sustainability and advocating for change. Pupils tackle the climate crisis on many levels. From letter-writing campaigns to our politicians around the climate strike, to eliminating single-use plastic and introducing Meat-Free Mondays, pupils work together with staff to make impactful changes from the grassroots up to national and international policy.
Every form has an Eco Rep who reports to a school committee alongside designated members of staff including members of the senior leadership team. As an Eco School, we are proud to have been awarded the prestigious Green Flag Award and we continue to work on an array of areas including biodiversity, waste, healthy living and global citizenship. Our Youth Travel Ambassadors and our Beyond Crisis Kinza option also contribute to our environmental work. In addition to school initiatives, girls also support a number of environmental charities through the House system, including The Bike Project.
The school premises themselves are constantly reviewed for their environmental impact. The new Sixth Form Centre and Madeleine Dring Hall have won awards which recognise their sustainability credentials, including at the RIBA Awards, the Wood Awards and the AJ Retrofit Awards. Our cleaning materials, catering and procurement are continuously monitored to optimise eco choices so that, for example, daily soups are made from local produce, cleaning materials are eco friendly, napkins are recycled and school literature is produced on carbon-neutral terms.
Offsetting our Carbon on Printed Items
To keep up to date with our environmental initiatives, look for #SCHSgreen on Twitter @SCHSgdst.