The Somerville and Gurney Awards
For Year 12 students after sitting a two-and-a-quarter hour general exam paper This award recognises exceptional essay-writing ability. First prize is £500, second is £300 and third is £200.
The GDST Creative Writing Prize
The GDST Creative Writing prize is an opportunity for GDST students to produce a piece of creative writing. As with the previous years, we ask for entries to be returned in February which will allow pupils the opportunity to develop their thoughts over the Christmas holidays. For students from all age groups with an interest in writing short stories.
The Laurie Magnus Poetry Prize
The Laurie Magnus Poetry Prize was established in memory of Laurie Magnus by his widow. Laurie Magnus was a GDST Council member from 1907, and Chairman from 1929 until his death in 1933. He also wrote The Jubilee Book of the Girls’ Day School Trust (1923). Prizes are awarded to six age groups for original poetry.
The Pearson and Silver Awards
The Pearson and Silver Awards are offered to Year 12 pupils in GDST schools to assist towards the cost of attending meetings or courses or carrying out projects with a classical content, e.g. summer schools in Classical Greek or Latin at Bryanston, Durham or Repton Schools, University or King’s Colleges, London, or Lampeter (Univ. of Wales).
The GDST Minerva Prize
The GDST Minerva Prize is awarded for all-round achievement. The adjudicators will be looking for a role model, someone the younger students look up to. The ideal candidate will have character, they will be engaging and well rounded, as well as bright with impressive academic achievements. There is one prize worth £500.
GDST Anne Hogg Modern Foreign Languages Prize
For Year 10 students who are taking two or more modern foreign languages.
The GDST Travel Scholarship
For financial aid to support a gap year or travel in the summer before university.
Johnston Memorial Scholarship
Up to £3,000 is awarded over two years to encourage girls with financial needs to read law at university. The Award includes work experience in the GDST Legal Department.
The Lorna Cocking Scholarship
Awarded annually to help provide financial support for students in their next stage of education. The scholarship is tenable for three years with an annual value of £1,000.
The Frederica Lord University Scholarship
Intended to support the pursuit of a recognised course of academic study and making the most of university life. It is tenable for three years with an annual value of £1,000.
The GDST doesn’t just deliver academic credentials. It helps girls to be confident, resilient and fearless.