The GDST Netball Squad | Streatham & Clapham High School

The GDST Netball Squad

Ruby L5
London Pulse South Hub

London Pulse was a step up from Surrey County Netball. While trialling for Surrey, there were more athletes involved in the process and less personalized approach to the needs of the players. In comparison. When I moved to Pulse I found that the sessions were more structured, challenging and feedback was given more frequently. The approach at Pulse allows players to learn, use and implement a range of tactics and techniques.

Ameena U4
London Pulse Foundation Program

I was excited to discover I would be doing London Pulse foundation sessions and I have had a lot of fun participating in the two I have done so far. The sessions allow players to use their skills from different sports in others. I have had the chance to play basketball and football, both sports I am unfamiliar with but the coaches there have been great and made the basics understandable and I picked up on the rules quickly. The organisation has been great and allowed us to keep up our fitness with zoom sessions online. We have yet to play rugby, hockey and netball. I’m anticipating a tough trial in September, but I will remember to keep calm and put 110% effort into my drills and match play.

Inayah L5
Surrey Storm

I first started playing for storm around over 2 years ago, starting in the U17 academy hub. Since then, this season i have returned to storm for the second year playing for hub, but also delighted to have the opportunity to be in the U17 Long squad. The transition from hub to long squad has been difficult, as it has bought a lot more competition, meaning being on my A game is essential. Although the expectations are high, it so far has been amazing playing alongside new people who show similar dedication and hard work. Training with other girls who I have never played with before is a challenge, but i am learning to adapt to the different environment, which is already showing a development in my training and as a player. Most importantly i have made many new friends that i am lucky to train alongside, sharing skills together which i can incorporate in my play. There is still a lot of work to do and I’m excited to see what’s ahead in my storm journey!

Maia L4
London Pulse Foundation

London Pulse has been a great experience overall. The access to professional coaches in the basketball session that I attended, was very useful and fun, incorporating different skills, drills, practise matches and team races. The football was equally exciting, with the West Ham coach giving us tips on how to be great in defence and attack. It has been a great environment to mix with people performing at a high level. Having sports players around me has helped to push my own performance to a higher level.
Although much of the recent period has been interrupted by lockdown, the Zoom calls that were organised were a useful resource and helped me to keep motivated during the times when the physical activity was disrupted.
It would be a privilege to trial for the Pulse hub come September and I hope that the high standard of play in sports will further help me to make steps forward in my own performance.

Imogen U4
London Pulse Foundation

The Pulse foundation programme is designed by the netball club London Pulse to introduce well-rounded athletes to different sports and sporting disciplines. It has provided me with the opportunity to try sports I had never tried before, like basketball and football, with highly qualified coaches. The programme invites athletes to show their ability to transfer skills from one sport to another, like agility and stamina. It also, whilst in lockdown, provided the foundation athletes with the opportunity to train with the coaches and athletes from the club, via zoom session. This is very exciting as all the participants in the programme will hope to trial for Pulse one day. So far, it has been a very positive experience for me and has made me excited to trial for the club’s U15 side in September.

​Congratulations to the 11 nominated girls to trial for the GDST Select netball squad 9th June 2021.

Millie A
Emilia A
Flo B
Kaisha D-P
Annabelle P
Fran B
Inayah D
Jemima H
Ruby B
Flo C
Valerie H

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