More than just STEAM-Powered: Our girls are shaping the world around us!
Year 3 have been using computer software to make 3D models and then print them out to produce their design in real life! Olive in Year 4 produced a fantastic LEGO design (bottom left image) as part of the challenge set by the Natural History Museum to think about what adaptations creatures might need to have on other planets. If you would like to have a go they set a new challenge every week, click here. Year 5 have loved taking part in the GDST Junior Science Day and have been busy sinking ships, crushing crisps and timing the opening of flowers alongside all other GDST schools. Years 4, 5 and 6 created an online disco with their own tracks made using Garageband App. Maya Zanova in Year 6 was able to produce an animation to go with her track (see video below). Find the rest of these tracks in the Computing Channels on the Specialist TEAMs. |