Prep School | Guided Home Learning | Streatham & Clapham High School

Prep School — Guided Home Learning

Having welcomed back, Nursery, Reception, Year1 and Y6 along with the key worker girls who have been with us all term, we are now transitioning from a pure GHL programme to hybrid programme which includes onsite teaching combined with Guided Home Learning.

Shortly we will welcome back Years 2, 3 and 5 and look forward to seeing Y4 shortly thereafter this term.  We are pleased that all year groups will have the opportunity to experience in-school learning in the summer term.

Year Groups

For information about your daughter’s year, please click on the relevant buttons below. Different age-appropriate platforms are used for different year groups, however, Teams is used for Form Time communication for all year groups from Reception to Y6.

Early Years (Nursery and Reception)

Tapestry is the main platform for Nursery and Reception.

Reception WK7 Overview
EYFS Timetable
Tapestry Parent User Guide

Years 1-3

SeeSaw is the main platform for girls in Years 1 to 3 except that they will have form time via Teams.


Y1 Week 12 Overview
Y2 Week 12 Overview
Y3 Week 12 Overview
Daily timetable
Seesaw User Guide
How to Get Started on Seesaw with Home Learning

Years 4-6

Girl in Years 4-6 are using Teams for form time (as per all girls from Reception upwards) but also for their assignments, except for Maths which is delivered through Century.

Y4 Week 12 Overview
Y4 Daily Timetable
Y5 Week 12 Overview
Y5KB Daily Timetable
Y5LB Daily Timetable
Y6 Week 12 Overview
Y6G Daily Timetable
Y6H Daily Timetable

Video guide for accessing Teams
About Century for Maths

Century for Maths

What will my daughter need?

  • Access to their class ‘Maths Team’ on Microsoft Teams.
  • An internet enabled device using an up-to-date version of Chrome or Safari for CENTURY.
  • Pen and paper for notes and workings out.
  • Headphones.

Accessing CENTURY

  • Girls will need to visit the CENTURY website and enter their login details – this is their school email address and the password, which is currently set for all girls as: schs.
  • Once they have logged in, they can go to the user profile area and change their password. They should write-down and tell a parent their password.

Pastoral Care & Online Portal

A message for Girls
Online protocol
Parents Pastoral Guide
How to relax – 8 relaxation tips for your mental health
Coronavirus – A Book for Children (by Elizabeth Jenner, Kate Wilson & Nia Roberts – Illustrated by Axel Scheffler)

General Information

Video guide for accessing Teams

Library Links

Accelerated Reading
Reading materials

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